Rhythm Of The World Recording Updates

Update May 18, 2022:

A release date of September 30, 2022 was announced for Rhythm Of The World on the Cowsills 5/18/2022 podcast.

Update March 30, 2022:

On the podcast Bob announced that Omnivore Recording will be taking over for the release of Rhythm Of The World which is now scheduled for the Fall of 2022.

Update December 15, 2021:

The artwork/packaging is underway. Gail Morawitz has been hired for the task, so it's one step closer. Check out Gail!

Update September 1, 2021:

Latest estimate is early 2022. On The Cowsills podcast, September 1, 2021, Bob again confirmed that Rhythm of The World is completely mixed and mastered. Art work is under way.

Update April 22, 2021:

In a April 22, 2021 Media Path Podcast Bob updated that Rhythm of The World is complete for mixing and mastering. Now it's on to art work, packaging, pressing and getting all the things promised through Pledge Music (over 900+ people contributed and this will include 872 signed CD's) out before it will be totally released. Bob is predicting it will be this fall when that all gets completed.

Update February 1, 2021:

I ran across an interview with Bob that was given on December 20, 2020. Here are the Rhythm of the World highlights.
1.    In regards to the writing of Rhythm of the World, for the most part, Susan and Bob wrote the melodies, and Susan and Paul did the lyrics. He said Susan keeps a book of lyrics that she writes in and pulls from.
2.    Rhythm of the World will have 11 new songs, 9 A cappella - including "II x II" and "The Impossible Years" that I didn't know they were doing - and 6-8 "bonus tracks". These "bonus tracks" will be songs they had done in the past, but probably not a lot of folks have heard. I assume maybe some of the late London stuff and from the Cocaine Drain sessions etc.
3.    When will it be out? Bob just said, "Sometime next year" meaning 2021.

In addition to the above, on January 21, 2021, Bob added the following info.
There are three solo written songs on the new album. Paul wrote "Goodbye Is Not Forever," Bob wrote "Katrina," and Susan wrote the title song "Rhythm Of The World."
There were several songs that were still being written as they were being recorded. "The Long Run" needed a bridge and that was written at the last second. Also although they had already decided to title the record Rhythm Of The World, the song itself wasn't finished even as the recording was going on.
Once again Bob reassured us that all the things promised with the PledgeMusic drive will be delivered with the record. (He joked that maybe they should give out the backstage passes now - since there are not shows. Very funny, Bob.)
He also stated that the HTT tour currently has 40 dates scheduled for 2021 and so far they expect to be able to tour. Also the podcast is still on and should have some fun things like Question Of The Week or Song Of The Week.

Update September 17, 2020:

In a September 16, 2020, update video, Bob gave the following info. Rhythm of The World is still being mixed and everyone will still get everything they were promised through the Pledge Music campaign. The CD will have eleven new songs, nine a cappella songs, and six to ten older songs that folks may not have heard or have on CD. Songs like "Thinking of You" from the Cocaine Drain album or "Some Good Years", those type songs will be added as a bonus. When can we expect it? Bob still says they think the end of 2020 or start of 2021. Bob joking adds, "Before we're in our 90's - hopefully." hee hee Bob also announced that in about a month they hope to start a podcast that will run on a weekly timeframe. Bob ended the video by tell us that they all are OK from the virus, hurricanes, and fires now haunting 2020 and encouraged us to frolick. "We should all frolick."

Update July 10, 2020:

In a July 10, 2020, interview with WADK's Bruce Newbury (and Gail Alofsin), Bob said Rhythm of The World should be released in late in 2020 or early 2021.

Update February 8, 2020:

Thanks to all of you for your patience and enthusiasm regarding the recording and release of 'Rhythm Of The World'. We have finished recording the record. It is a total of 20 songs: Eleven new songs and nine a cappella. We have acknowledged on a number of occasions in video updates on our Facebook page the following:
1. Pledge music has gone bankrupt.
2. We are still honoring all pledges and will be sending out all the signed CD's, albums, posters, t-shirts etc. that folks have ordered. Items that were able to be taken care of now, like the signed guitars, house concerts, etc.. have already been sent out and/or arranged for.

All pledges will be honored even though the funding company, Pledge Music, went under.

The mixing process has begun and Frank Filipetti is mixing 'Rhythm of the World' right now, at the time of this writing, in his studio on Long Island. It will take until the end of April or beginning of May to complete. We will be gathering for final mixing at that time. Once the mixing is completed then the mastering takes place and that will be done by Greg Calbi. Once the mastering is done and the artwork is done for posters, the t-shirts, the CD's and the vinyl then we will have finished product that can be signed, released, mailed out and delivered. This will take through most of the summer and beyond to accomplish so there is a lot to getting a release out.

Thanks again for your support and hang in there -- we're getting it done despite some incredible barriers that had to be overcome. Look for "Rhythm of the World" sometime in 2020 - we'll get there.

Love from The Cowsills

Update October 30, 2019:

Susan posted that the recording was about 85% finished.

Update June 7, 2019:

Hi all! I wanted to share with you an update from Bob, Susan, and Paul on the Pledge Music issues and the Cowsills album! Thanks to everyone who has touched base so far. I think I can speak for everyone involved when I say that I'm thrilled things are moving along despite everything happening with Pledge.

Just to reiterate - we have your pledges/orders, and rest assured that everything will be fulfilled as originally planned despite the issues with Pledge. Everything is moving ahead!

Thank you all so much for the support. More soon!

Update April 19, 2019 :

Update On Our Pledge Music Campaign
Hi all! Thank you all for the continued support. We wanted to update you guys because there have been questions about the status of everything given the various problems with Pledge Music. For those not aware, Pledge has been severely behind on paying artists and owe large amounts of money to numerous artists. I think the last I read was that they're trying to restructure at the moment. I'd recommend a quick Google search for Pledge Music - there's a lot of articles out there about this. "

Currently, we're one of many many artists who still haven't been paid for our funded campaigns. The good news is, the band has been able to continue some production on the album! So rest assured, you all WILL have the album upon completion. AND, please be absolutely certain that you will receive the items you pledged for in time. I have, and the band has, complete inventory of everything that was ordered.

Right now we are essentially in waiting mode with the people at Pledge while they straighten their issues out. We luckily made contact with someone there after a while, so thankfully we haven't been completely ghosted. But since the Pledge platform itself is not very useful for the time being, I wanted to email you all directly and give you an update. Unfortunately that's all we really can say at the moment because we really don't know what is going on besides what we were told, which is that we will eventually get the funding straightened out.

I can tell you that Bob, Susan, Paul and the band have been working hard to make the best of this situation and continue work on the album despite not having the Pledge funds. But as you can imagine, it's been a frustrating process at times. They're so determined to get this done, and I know firsthand that getting this project to y'all in particular is so important to them, as it is to me and the whole team/family. Hang in there with us, and I will update you all via email as this all unfolds!

I also want to encourage anyone with questions, concerns, etc. (even if you just want to geek out over favorite Cowsills songs I'm always up for that) to email me directly at cowsillpledge@gmail.com. I will respond promptly as possible.

Thank you all again so much. Your enthusiasm is amazing. We'll be touching base again soon, because the band will be back in the studio before HTT starts!

Cowsills Campaign HQ

Update 2018:

Recording started in the fall of 2018, more recording was done in February 2019.

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